Sunday, April 21, 2013

It's funny- I started this blog with the idea that I'd document the progress, trials, and tribulations of leasing, training, and eventually owning the grey TB gelding in the first entry. I've always wanted to write about some of my experiences, get down some of my stories, share the joys, triumphs, setbacks, and those temper tantrums we all have but no one likes to admit.

Now, I find myself horseless, with the only thing I'd ridden consistently in the last week being a scared, psychotically timid, probably abused mule. It's funny the way life works, right?

In any case, here's my latest update on the horse search. I'm kind of OCD when I am... serious about something. I do more research, make more lists, plots more graphs and make more databases than anyone I know. Earlier this week, I made an Excel sheet with the horse's name, height, price, age, location, and website, as well as columns for those I contacted and those I've visited (none yet).
Blue= Ones to go see, Pink= haven't responded yet. Oy.

Yesterday, I plotted out me and Kristin's plan of attack to go see the horses who's owners have responded to my inquiries for videos.  How do you plot out a plan of attack for horses all over the Northeast and mid-Atlantic, pray tell??

On more.. important news, school has just amped up again. We have OSCES this week- all inclusive, summative exams that will test our knowledge of the lat two years of classes. I'm not super worried bc... I'm pretty sure this is a scare tactic, like most of the "exams" we've had this year- make us go crazy, study like mad, and then not have it count for a grade. Don't get me wrong, I'm studying. But... I just can't get excited about it. I'm nervous about clinicals, but I can't get excited over those, either. It's all going to work out one way or another. So I'll just keep studying and working my way through one day at a time, and things will be fine. Now, back to the powerpoints and EKG tutorials. I'll try to update you the next time I decide to be easily distractable.

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